IASB proposes amendments for translating financial information into hyperinflationary currencies

国際会計基準審議会 (IASB) は本日 (2024年7月25日)、ハイパーインフレではない通貨からハイパーインフレ通貨に換算する企業に影響を与える会計上の問題に対処するため、IAS21「外国為替レート変動の影響」の狭い範囲の修正提案を公開草案として公表しました。(冒頭文をDeepLにより翻訳、一部補正しました。)
Read MoreThe International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has today published proposals in an Exposure Draft to address accounting issues that affect companies that translate financial information from a non-hyperinflationary currency to a hyperinflationary currency. These proposals, which are narrow-scope amendments to IAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates, introduce translation requirements for these companies. The IASB expects the proposed translation requirements to improve information for users of financial statements while being simple and cost-effective for companies to apply.
In a hyperinflationary economy, financial information is useful only if it reflects a measure of current purchasing power of the currency. Applying IAS 21 today does not always result in that outcome and in some cases has led to diversity in accounting practice.
Benefits of the proposed amendments include:
- more consistent and useful information in financial statements presented in hyperinflationary currencies;
- removal of diversity in accounting practices related to translation into a hyperinflationary currency;
- improved comparability of financial statements among companies and jurisdictions; and
- simpler and low-cost accounting requirements for affected companies.
The Exposure Draft is open for comment until 22 November 2024. The IASB is seeking feedback on the proposed amendments from interested or affected stakeholders.
Following the consultation period, the IASB will consider all comments received before deciding whether to proceed with the amendments to IAS 21.
IASB proposes amendments for translating financial information into hyperinflationary currencies