IASB proposes illustrative examples to improve reporting of climate-related and other uncertainties in financial statements

)国際会計基準審議会 (IASB) は本日 (2024年7月31日)、企業が財務諸表において気候変動やその他の不確実性の影響を報告する際に、IFRS会計基準をどのように適用するかを示す8つの設例を提案する公開草案を公表しました。(冒頭文をDeepLにより翻訳、一部補正しました。)
Read MoreThe International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) today published a consultation document, proposing eight examples to illustrate how companies apply IFRS Accounting Standards when reporting the effects of climate-related and other uncertainties in their financial statements.
The IASB developed these illustrative examples1 in response to strong demand from stakeholders, particularly from investors. They expressed concerns that information about climate-related uncertainties in financial statements was sometimes insufficient or appeared to be inconsistent with information provided outside the financial statements. To respond to these concerns, the IASB’s proposed examples aim to:
- improve transparency of information in financial statements; and
- strengthen the connection between financial statements and other parts of a company’s reporting, such as sustainability disclosures.
The eight illustrative examples focus on areas such as materiality judgements, disclosures about assumptions and estimation uncertainties, and disaggregation of information. The principles and requirements illustrated in these examples apply equally to other types of uncertainties2 beyond climate-related uncertainties.
These illustrative examples are one of several actions that the IASB is undertaking to help improve the reporting of climate-related and other uncertainties in financial statements.
In developing these examples, the IASB collaborated with members of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) and its technical staff. This collaboration helped ensure that the illustrative examples work with the ISSB’s sustainability-related disclosure requirements.
Andreas Barckow, Chair of the IASB, said:
Investors have clearly communicated that they factor climate-related risks into their decision-making process. Although our Accounting Standards already address such risks, we have identified a need for illustrative examples to improve the application of these requirements. Our proposed examples aim to provide this clarity, helping companies better communicate in their financial statements how climate-related and other uncertainties affect their financial position and performance.
The illustrative examples do not add to or change the requirements in IFRS Accounting Standards. Instead, they provide guidance on how the requirements in the Standards should be applied to provide investors with better information about climate-related risks and other uncertainties.
The IASB invites all stakeholders to provide feedback on the proposed illustrative examples. The comment period is open until 28 November 2024.
The IASB will consider stakeholders’ feedback and decide whether to proceed with the proposed illustrative examples to accompany IFRS Accounting Standards.
IASB proposes illustrative examples to improve reporting of climate-related and other uncertainties in financial statements